In Ephesians 1:4c-5a God pronounces, “…In love, having predestinated us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself…” God’s love is so very vast that He was willing to have His perfect Son to be made sin for us. (Romans 5:6-11) Jesus desires to give us His perfect righteousness, even when we are sinners. (Colossians 2:11-15) When God looks at the people that choose to follow Christ, God sees them as having never sinned. (Psalm 103:8-18)
Predestinated means God evaluated us in advance! God, in love, gave us a Messiah that would come to save our soul. God knew before Adam was created that he would fall and when that took place, God promised to send a Messiah. (Genesis 3:15) God is waiting for every person to repent and turn from sin. He is so very merciful holding His anger toward sin and delaying judgment, desiring that everyone would choose to give their life to Him. (2 Peter 3:9; cf. Hebrews 2:1-3; 10:38) God’s love is so vast that He was willing to make His Son sin for all mankind, IF each person would receive Him. (John 1:12) To predestinate is for God to have an appointed plan and a guaranteed destiny for us. He saved us according to His design (Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2-5) Jesus knew before the foundation of the world that He would come in time to be the delivering Messiah that would save our souls. (John 8:56-58; 1 Peter 1:13-21) In infinite love, God adopted the Gentiles and has given us Jesus’ perfect righteousness when we give our life to Him. (Romans 4, particularly vv. 23-25) He desires that ALL people, everywhere would become a living sacrifice for Him, doing His will. (Romans 12:1-3)
What does mean to be chosen by God from the foundation of the world?
(1 Corinthians 1:18-31; Romans 8:17, 29; Philippians 2:13; Colossians 1:19; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14;1 Peter 1:2; cf. Matthew 12:50)
Why did Jesus choose us?
(John 15; Luke 4:18; Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:46-49; Acts 1:4, 8; 2:24; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20; cf. Ephesians 3:8-12)